Film Club for the future

Film Club for the future

Link to the new site for the London Nautical School film Club for 2012 and beyond.

The Film Club goes to Paris

After a trip to Paris, where the boys: travelled under the English Channel at high speeds, navigated the Paris Metro with aplomb, played football amongst the neighbourhood streets, visited Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower and countless other attractions, ate escargot and Confit du Carnard in a Parisian restaurant – ordering for themselves with waiting staff who were deaf to the English language, slept overnight, visited an exhibition of the work of Tim Burton, presented the short film they’d made to an assembled audience from all over Europe, the Caribbean and South America, watched films from those same places, ordered takeaways and ran for the train home… we can now officially call the London Nautical Film Club a tremendous success.

Here are some photos of the trip as it unfolded…

Thanks to Mark Reid at the BFI, researchers Michelle Cannon John Potter and Sam Lawlor (Filmmaker) without whom none of this would have been possible.

Check out Mark’s journal entry on the screening day:


Here is the version that was sent to Paris. The only difference is a couple of new shots, inserted after the pips go, at Kai’s suggetion.


Here’s the 10 minute edit, credits and colour work will be done before it’s sent to Paris on Monday.

Three points to consider:

1. the title/font – The chalkboard font seems appropriate for the themes, any thoughts?

2. a couple of cuts – Adi having paper thrown at him, and the joke about the metal sharpener. The sharpener joke didn’t seem to make sense without including the impressions of the teachers first, and there is quite a lot in the staff room scene anyway. With the paper being thrown in detention, perhaps its better to hold off from this – Adi gets things thrown at him at two other points, and I think it is also good to build up slowly to the bad behaviour, rather than as soon as the teacher leaves the room.

3. ‘The Real’ – any comments on this will be be really useful.
Is it presented too much as a series of quick shots? should it be less shots that are held for longer (allowing more ‘reality’ to be seen)?
Keeping it all outside in the playground hopefully adds to the contrast.
the last shot of the good group merging into reality seems a bit more subtle than the teacher telling them to get inside – any thought?

Foreign Translations of the synopsis

Film Synopsis
A group of boys are left alone in a detention at school. After an hour they realize that they are locked inside the school alone. The boys find themselves splitting into two groups, one smart and one badly behaved. They face difficult situations and have to learn how to survive in school for a night. Will the boys get along with each other? Or will it be a NIGHTMARE? This film is about the deterioration of human behaviour in a closed and traumatic environment. Though the film is only overnight, we try to explore how a group of well-behaved adolescents turn into something more primitive.

French translation:
Un groupe d’écoliers est laissé seul en retenue. Au bout d’une heure, ils se rendent compte qu’ils sont enfermés, seuls, dans l’école. Les garçons se retrouvent séparés en deux groupes, l’un se comportant bien et l’autre mal. Ils affrontent des situations difficiles et doivent apprendre à survivre une nuit à l’intérieur de l’école. Les garçons arriverons-t-ils à s’entendre? Ou ce sera-t-il un CAUCHEMAR? Ce film traite de la détérioration du comportement humain dans un environnement fermé et traumatisant. Bien que l’action du film se déroule en une seule nuit, nous essayons d’explorer comment le comportement d’un groupe d’adolescents sages devient plus primitif.

German translation :
Eine Gruppe von Jungen muss in der Schule nachsitzen. Nach einer Stunde wird ihnen klar, dass sie allein in der Schule eingeschlossen sind. Die Jungen teilen sich in zwei Gruppen, eine mit den braven und eine mit den ungezogenen Jungen. Sie müssen sich schwierigen Situationen stellen und lernen, wie man über Nacht in der Schüle überlebt. Werden die Schüler gut miteinander auskommen? Oder wird es ein ALBTRAUM sein? In diesem Film geht es um die Verschlechterung menschlichen Verhaltens in einer verschlossenen, traumatisierenden Umgebung. Obwohl sich die Handlung des Films nur über Nacht abspielt, versuchen wir dadurch die Verhaltensveränderung von braven Jugendlichen zu primitiveren Geschöpfen zu untersuchen.

Spanish translation:
Unos chicos son castigados en el colegio. Al cabo de una hora, se dan cuenta de que están encerrados en el edificio, solos. Los chicos se dividen en dos grupos: uno se comporta bien, el otro mal. Se enfrentan a situaciones difíciles y tienen que aprender a sobrevivir una noche en la escuela. ¿Se llevarán bien los chicos? ¿O la experiencia acabará convirtiéndose en una PESADILLA? Esta película trata sobre el deterioro del comportamiento humano en un ambiente cerrado y traumático. A pesar de que la acción transcurre en una sola noche, intentamos explorar cómo unos niños educados se vuelven primitivos.

Italian translation:
Un gruppo di ragazzi rimangono in castigo a scuola. Dopo un’ora si rendono conto di essere bloccati dentro e di non poter uscire. Il gruppo allora si divide, ma un gruppo si rivela essere intelligente, l’altro meno. Si trovano ad affrontare situazioni difficili, dovendo sopravivere a scuola per un’intera notte. Riuscirà il gruppo a trovare un equilibrio? O sarà una notte da INCUBO? Questo film tratta il deteriorarsi delle situazioni e l’abiezione del comportamernto umano in una situazione di isolamento. Anche se i fatti narrati hanno luogo in un’unica notte, vi si racconta di come un ordinario gruppo di adolescenti può trasformarsi in qualcosa di inquietante e primitivo.

Edit for Kai’s Comment

LNS Synopsis


A group of boys are left alone in a detention at school. After an hour, they realize that they are locked inside the school alone. The boys find themselves splitting into two groups, one smart and one badly behaved. They face difficult situations and have to learn how to survive in school for a night. Will the boys get along with each other? Or will it be a NIGHTMARE?


This film is about the deterioration of human behaviour in a closed and traumatic environment. Though the film is only overnight, we try to explore how a group of well-behaved adolescents turn into something more primitive…



LNS Synopsis


A group of boys are left alone in a detention at school. After an hour, they realize that they are locked inside the school alone. The boys find themselves splitting into two groups, one smart and one badly behaved. They face difficult situations and have to learn how to survive in school for a night. Will the boys get along with each other? Or will it be a NIGHTMARE?


This film is about the deterioration of human behaviour in a closed and traumatic environment. Though the film is only overnight, we try to explore how a group of well-behaved adolescents turn into something more primitive…




Louie Kalvis

Aaditya Venkatesh

George Davis

Emil Dautovic

Aatif Muhammad

Albin Berisha

Kai Mahindru

Ebenezer Thompson

Reeise Wallace

Alex Draper

Kai Marfleet

Finn Andrew

Daniel Alvarado Sanchez

Edward Garlic

Louie Douglas


Sam Lawlor


Christopher Waugh

Emils opening scene

Transcript subtitles for Opening scene!



The Bell goes and very soon, children rush down the staircase, as it is the end of the school day.


The viewers join a detention which is held in the basement, as they see a kid, is reading Lord of the Flies. We then see that the other children are writing lines reluctantly, for their punishment. We get close up shots of them and their sheets of paper. We then see that there is a teacher in the room, sitting on a chair cross-legged, showing a sense of power.


Then, a phone goes off, and the teacher picks up a nearby box, stands up, and collects phones from students. Once all the phones have been abducted, the teacher leaves the room.


Soon, students get restless, as the teacher doesn’t appear, hence the fact that the children get into groups.


One group tries to get out.


Reece says, “Get out the way!” While another kid pulls the door.

Reece also tells Kai (who is struggling with opening the door) that he is stronger than him and should leave the pulling to him.

Kai says that there is no point, as he later goes on to say, “He locked, it he locked it…”

Reece exclaims later “so what?” as he fly-kicks the door.

Other children try to open the door but fail. They mutter to themselves in frustration. But they then notice that there is a window in the room.


They rush to the window, open it, and Alex and Kai hold it up for the others to go through. Once Daniel is out of the building, he informs the others that there is a drop, and to be careful. We then see that Daniel and Ebenezer hold up the window for the remaining two boys, as they exit. They mutter, and then run awy from the scene!