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The Film Club goes to Paris

After a trip to Paris, where the boys: travelled under the English Channel at high speeds, navigated the Paris Metro with aplomb, played football amongst the neighbourhood streets, visited Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower and countless other attractions, ate escargot and Confit du Carnard in a Parisian restaurant – ordering for themselves with waiting staff who were deaf to the English language, slept overnight, visited an exhibition of the work of Tim Burton, presented the short film they’d made to an assembled audience from all over Europe, the Caribbean and South America, watched films from those same places, ordered takeaways and ran for the train home… we can now officially call the London Nautical Film Club a tremendous success.

Here are some photos of the trip as it unfolded…

Thanks to Mark Reid at the BFI, researchers Michelle Cannon John Potter and Sam Lawlor (Filmmaker) without whom none of this would have been possible.

Check out Mark’s journal entry on the screening day: